Saturday, November 22, 2008

Mom in law for sale

My father in law has asked me to make this post to see if anyone will take my mother in law. Rude huh, like I would ever do that. I mean, she is the nicest lady on the face of the earth.

All kidding aside, I joke because she was giving me a hard time for having not posted in a very long time. So tina, here is your post.


gma vh said...

Okie Dokie....
Mmm, let's see. Grandma Tina is the nicest lady on the earth--which is a very nice & admirable assessment by your son-in-law..
Just wondering where that puts the person whom if it wasn't for ALL HER PAIN & SUFFERING, YOU KNOW, "The Valley of Death--".
Not that I'm not agreeing, but just curious how you can did yourself out of this hole, SON.

gma vh said...

Whoops, meant to say "dig"